
October 12, 2018

Get 1 Million Monthly Views on Pinterest

Who out there in the social world is having a love/hate relationship with Pinterest?

You’ve either just started your business/blog and are pinning like crazy but your monthly views can’t seem to hit over 3k. Or you’re a veteran and you’re monthly numbers are decent yet you want to drive more traffic to your site. Take a deep breath, grab some wine and let’s sit on the couch and dive into this together.

When I started my blog Porshbritt, I researched some amazing, inspiring bloggers for guidance. I would look at each of their social accounts, posts and business and my jaw dropped in amazement at their success. So, of course, I’ll admit the truth, I searched on Pinterest ways to drive traffic to my site. I signed up with a billion different apps that said they had the “Full Proof Plan on How to Grow Your Business Using Pinterest”.

Untitled design

In the Beginning

My phone was so overfilled with apps it became a rainbow of craziness and my login/password file was a mess. I knew I needed to make a change. So I went back to my blogging super role models, and dissected their blog:

The answers that I kept coming up with were Pinterest and Instagram. The two powerful social media outlet were what drove these powerful bloggers’ pages. Think about how many times you look at your Instagram feed or spend an entire afternoon pinning away. However we don’t have entire afternoons to spend posting content and pinning away. Therefore I had to find something that worked for my life and what I want to accomplish. So here is my little secret weapon. The thing that helped me build my Pinterest to 540k in less than 3 months and doubled my engagement on my Instagram.

My New Best Friend


Check out the results on my Pinterest after 1 month of using Tailwind. The results blew my mind away as they continued to grow day after day. I was able to see which pins were bringing in the most interaction, sending people to my blog as well what times were the best for engagement.

Visual Marketing from Tailwind

TAILWIND! This tool allows me to drive traffic to my blog and keep my followers engaged by helping me organize my posts and schedule them when I can’t.

Setting Up Tailwind

Pinterest: Now I usually spend about 1-2 hours on Sunday on my couch, watching the latest “This Is Us” episode, drinking wine and pinning away for the week or so. I have it set up to pin at least 10 times a day, and schedule them at the best times of the day for each day of the week.

Instagram: There is so much to say about how this app has changed my Instagram game. I’m able to write down content at any time inspiration strikes, whether it’s cruising along the Kangamangus in New Hampshire or listening to Frank Sinatra as I make our homemade delicious tomato sauce. It not only auto posts for me, but it also suggests which hashtags I should use to boost engagement.

Just check this out for yourself! Trust me this will change your “social” life and bring more traffic to your blog then you thought possible. I can’t stress enough how amazing this is for new bloggers as well as seasoned bloggers.

I want to share with you, my beautiful followers the chance to get a FREE MONTH of Tailwind! Click on the picture below and sign up!

Happy Posting and Scheduling!


This post contains links to an affiliate website, Sharesasale, and I receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliated website using such links.

  1. Tailwind is a great tool 🙂 Thank you

  2. penniesforcents says:

    Yes, I have heard so much about Tailwind. Hope to be able to afford it one day.

  3. Britt @ The Maia Blog says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I love using Tailwind for Pinterest but haven’t yet started using it for Instagram. I think I’ll need to look into this!

  4. Thanks for sharing! This is really helpful — I haven’t quite figured out how to use Pinterest for my blog yet but can’t wait to try some of these tips.

  5. Emidio_A says:

    Thanks for sharing. I just started my blog/ pinterest account/ and purchased my tailwind over the weekend. So, I am new to all of it, and trying to learn as much as I can about how to make great content, share with my intended audience and become more active in Social Media, so they can easily reach out.

    • porshbritt says:

      Thanks for reading! That’s awesome congrats! Feel free to reach out to me and maybe we can both help each other

  6. I have Tailwind for Pinterest but I do not ha e it for Instagram! I honestly never thought about it for IG but I think I should!

  7. Trying out tailwind has been on my to do list for the longest time- i think I’m going to start working on it- your article is inspiring!

  8. Sara says:

    I need to get back into my Tailwind app and start learning more about it. I have heard so much awesomeness about it!

  9. joleisa says:

    I must say that Pinterest has always been my friend. We get along well together. We both understand each other. Instagram on the other hand, I feel like I need a degree course to make things work. One day, eh? Lovely post and loving your blog too.

    • porshbritt says:

      Yes I’m right there with you, my instagram game can be little to none. Tailwind has been a little secret weapon to understanding the Instagram algorithms. Thank you for your kind words!

  10. Victoria says:

    Ive heard so many amazing things about Tailwind but haven’t pulled the trigger yet because it’s a bit pricey for my budget. I think I need to try it though after your amazing results!
    xx Victoria

  11. Kate says:

    I know that sometimes Instagram gets “mad” about third party apps and can put you in Insta jail for using them- is that something Tailwind is subjected to?

    • porshbritt says:

      No I’ve never had an issue with using it. Even if you don’t have tailwind publish it for you, you can always use it to plan out your posts and it’s great for hashtags. Tailwind also has a notification if you want to post it yourself.

  12. Rebecca | Maybe This Way says:

    I love Tailwind so much! I’m glad it has been a great experience for you. I just started using the new hashtag features for Instagram and I love them!

  13. HI.
    I din’t know anithing about Tailwind. Have to study more and, i will use that free month experience. Tanks

  14. Okay, I guess I finally need to check out this TAILWIND everyone talks about – LOL!

  15. Everyone always talks about Tailwind. Need to check it out soon!

  16. Chad says:

    I’ve never heard of this tool, i will definitely check it out. Thanks a lot for the share.

  17. annemarkey1 says:

    my plan is to use tailwind for the hashtag suggestions! It is a huge help

  18. hazl says:

    I’d love to check this out! I’m still starting up on my blog and I could really use all the help I can get. Thanks!

  19. Very nice. I suppose this also allows you to stay organized too. I think i should really look into Tailwind.

  20. Nancie says:

    After reading your post, I need to rethink Tailwind. I have used it sporadically in the past, but now I think I need to look at it more seriously. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I am currently using it for Pinterest and it has really increased my monthly viewers. I have not used it for Instagram but after reading this I am curious.

  22. Catherine Santiago Jose says:

    I have heard a lot of good things about this app even my friends told me that it is a good app to use most especially in your blog and now, I am so curious about it and how it really works.

  23. Geraline Batarra says:

    Many of my friends using this app and they said that it is really a good app to use most especially if you are a blogger like me.

  24. Ana Ojha says:

    I’ve heard a lot about Tailwind but never used it! You gave me perfect reasons to use it!

  25. Sounds super useful! I think I need to follow your lead and try to boots everything!

  26. Thanks for sharing such informative one, gonna check the app now and give it a try!

  27. I have Tailwind on my to-do list. I’ve read nothing but good things about it. Thanks for your 2 cents. Congratulations on your success with it.

  28. Vox says:

    I am intrigued by the notion that Tailwind will help with my engagement on Pinterest and instagram, but I have yet to give it a try. I think I logged on to it once and was confused by the dashboard. However, if it’s that much of a benefit to our businesses, I will have to try it again. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

  29. Great advice. I will be checking out Tailwind

  30. Penny says:

    Thanks, like other commenters I’ve heard lots of good things about Tailwind!

  31. I’ve been using tailwind for about a month now. It for sure is a great way to boost traffic to my site. I’m loving it. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Definitely giving this a try!

  33. Haven’t tried Tailwind yet, but always hear nothing but positive things about it. Gonna have to give it a try.

  34. New Coupon Diva says:

    Yes, these are facts. I am a current user and testament to the benefit of Tailwind. I certainly endorse this message and only stand behind things that I know to be effective.

  35. krish says:

    Very informative article..would certainly help new bloggers build traffic for their blogs..

  36. Jessica says:

    This is great! I’ve had a hard time remembering when to post so maybe Tailwind is exactly what I need! Thanks!

  37. Tara says:

    Wow! I’ve only just started using tailwind, but I’m definitely going to be investing in it once the month ends. Thanks for the post!

  38. I just started using Tailwind for instagram and you are right it is a game changer!

  39. Ute Rehill says:

    Very helpful for my next step of building a bigger audience. Thanks!

  40. Jen ervig says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  41. Claire says:

    Love Tailwind – thanks for sharing 🙂

  42. These results are unreal! Congrats on that traffic.

  43. Steve says:

    Tailwind is awesome! It helped increase my monthly viewers on Pinterest by 200,000 in the first two months of use.

  44. Ayushi says:

    This was a very informative post and ofcourse very helpful. Thanks for sharing

  45. I’m also on Tailwind and I cannot recommend it enough. It has helped my content reach a much wider audience then before I was using it and the Tribes are great. I invested in the Tribes unlimited and haven’t looked back!

  46. Gemma says:

    I’m really going to look into Tailwind. Thank you for the recommendation.

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