
September 1, 2018

The Lessons I Learned From Watching TV

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It’s about 3 am on a Saturday and the young girl hears the sounds of footsteps above her head in the distant corner of the house. Her mom will be coming downstairs any minute telling her to go to bed. It’s 3 am and everyone is trying to sleep” she could imagine hearing her mother say. The footsteps come closer and she hears the first creak of the stairs, that’s it here it comes, brace yourself. She listens to the next footstep until she sees her mother in the entryway of the living room. Tired eye as she is about to utter the words the daughter had already imagined. Yet, she does the unexpected, she sits down to the young girl and says with a giant childlike grin, “this is one of my favorite episodes.” This is my first memory of falling in love with I Love Lucy.

Within the first minute of me watching this woman, I felt connected in a way with her as if I had known her my whole life. I was memorized by her movements, her wit and whatever trouble she was going to get in during the next 30 minutes. Over the years, watching each episode at least 30+ times, I laugh even harder each time and always took something away.

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Love #1

In a world where it becomes easier to compare ourselves with one another, it’s vital to remember yourself. Our DNA is made from the generations before us but there is a special DNA that we create ourselves. We have opportunities to be the person we want to be each day and it all starts with having love for yourself. Think about someone you love unconditionally, you would do anything for them, give them support and wrap your arms around them. Now, do you do that for yourself? Do you shower your mind, body, and soul with affection? When you love yourself, confidence in everything you do happens and amazing things surface before your eyes.

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Keep Chasing Your Dreams

How many times did we see Lucy try to achieve the thing she longed for, to be a star! No matter who told her she couldn’t or the obstacles they placed in her way, she ALWAYS found a way to succeed. She stood up for what she wanted and believed in herself to the ends of the earth. In which spoke volumes to the young girl with her eyes glued on this magnificent person and got her to think she too could achieve anything she wanted. Her courage and self-confidence imprinted on my soul, and for a determined young girl it gave her the drive to push forward and live her dreams.

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The True Treasure of Friendships

Have you ever heard the phrase “You’re the Ethel to my Lucy”? In a world where we’re changing from locations, schools and as individuals, most times friendships that were made are a distant memory. It’s a true gem to have strong, loving, healthy friendships that create unbreakable bonds. Looking back at that young girl, I’m blessed, that one of the people that I’ve had by my side laughing hysterically is still there, the Ethel to my Lucy. That show continues to remind me how precious friendships and relationships are. The people we chose to surround ourselves with, need to be the best for the life you want to live. With every crazy idea Lucy came up with Ethel was always 100% by her side. Through the years people have come and gone, yet I have surrounded myself with the best people.

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Being Silly Keeps You Young

“Oh, you’re so silly!”James says this to me at least three times a day. Whether I’m making faces, dancing around the house or just being a young wild spirit. It’s very easy to let the daily challenges to throw us off and we can be hard on ourselves. From personal experience that when things happen that rubs me the wrong way it can spiral me into a place of negativity and aggravation. But it’s me getting in my own, I choose how to react to the world around me. It’s important for me to remember that and to embrace change. Changes challenge you and either push you to greatness or push you down. I choose to not be pushed down.

Being silly, free and wild brings me happiness to my soul and to the surroundings around me. If one of us is a little bit off it feels good knowing that all it takes is a silliness to reminds us that everything is going to be OK. I love knowing that I will always stay true to that. I’ll always be that wild girl dancing around in the kitchen, singing loudly and crazy in the car. Doing the things that bring me light, love, and laughter allow positivity to flow through my veins and out into the world.

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In honor of my own Lucille Ball, my Nana xoxo

  1. Your writing style is beautiful x

    Would love for you to check out todays blog post;

  2. brendavigue says:

    I remember hearing that crazy laughter from upstairs and was both surprised and pleased by your taste in TV shows, music. My retro girl!!! I love you, baby! Momsie xoxoxo

  3. Ellie says:

    I love watching reruns of I Love Lucy, she was such an incredibly funny and genuine person.

  4. Christine says:

    This is a beautiful post! One of my college friends loved Lucille Ball just as much as you. I am glad that you had your own Lucille Ball in your life too. I love the quotes scattered throughout. When I do yoga, sometimes the teacher has us laugh for 30 seconds straight–big fake laughs. It’s my favorite part, and I usually start really laughing. I will definitely be pinning this post too. Love, Christine, The Uncorked Librarian

  5. Great post of what seems like a great memory! It’s nice to be able to reflect back on these moments through blogging:)

  6. Megan says:

    I LOVE Lucille Ball as well! Thank you so much for this article.

  7. Phil Cobb says:

    I’ve always thought that “I Love Lucy” is the No. 1 television show of all time, because all ages can identify with it and, even though it is in black and white, it is still being shown in countries around the world some 60 years later. As my young son said, “Lucy kicks butt!” By the way, thanks for the Lucy quotations; they offer excellent advice.

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