
June 29, 2018

Is What You’re Doing Today Getting You Closer To Where You Want To Be?

The birds start chirping while the sun starts to peak out over the trees and shine through your window. You know it’s almost time to get up out of your cozy, warm bed, oh how you wished you had just 5 minutes longer. The alarm screams through the house and while tempted to hit snooze for maybe the fifth time you tell yourself it’s time to get up. You go through your typical morning routine, which is the same as yesterday and the day before. Wipe your eyes, brush teeth, figure out what to wear, look for your keys and head out the door.

Are You Doing the Same Old Song & Dance?

Now you’re off on your way to work. Probably sitting in traffic, leaning on your elbow that’s propped up on the windowsill and listening to music. After what seems like forever you arrive at your destination, walk into work and immediately count how down the hours. Only to sit in traffic, think about dinner and countdown how long before you continue this same cycle again the next day and the next day and the next day.


Let me ask you something, is this cycling life routine truly building the foundation or stepping stones to achieving your dreams.

Or are you convincing yourself that it is.

Wake Up to a Different Song & Dance

Hey you! Yes, you, the person who is reading this and saying to yourself. “Oh, that’s not me, I know what I’m doing and in a few months or years I will make the change but right now this is what I have to do”.  Take a deep breath and hear me out while I say “STOP WITH THE EXCUSES AND WAKE UP!”. 

I was right there with you. Assuring myself that my time will come and form excuses, simply because of fear.  Having to come to terms with what I was doing each day wasn’t getting me to where I wanted to be. I could have stayed with what I’d been doing for the past 9 years or take a chance on myself.


Take a Chance on You

Taking a chance on yourself seems so easy and a little cliche. We hear this phrase far too often, whether it was after a motivational life speech from your parents or in an academy award winning “change your life” movie. In which after, we feel powerful and ready to take on the world, our mindset changes and we feel hopeful. Fast forward to a week or month later and here we’re back into our never-ending loop. Getting up, go to the job that isn’t benefiting us, go to bed and repeat. For us to take a chance on ourselves, we have to comprehend a couple of things.

It’s questions like these that allow us to dive deep into our souls and find out who we truly are. The passions and goals we have that drive us to make changes in our lives. For a while, I couldn’t get past the first question without a long paragraph of my goals and was scattered. With not being completely in tune with my goals, they weren’t being achieved. In regards to the comfort thing, I’ve always been someone who doesn’t like change unless I’m the one who initiates it. (Go figure!) So instead of pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I assured myself that when it was ready the opportunity would present itself. This promoted me to stay in the safe zone and there forth now growth was happening.

A Simple Question

Fast forward to last year, sitting on a plane flying home from one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I remembered a conversation I had with someone just the year before. They asked me what I wanted in life and I thought I was answering their question, however it was vague and generic. They continued to ask the same question over and over until I grew frustrated and ended the conversation.

I knew what they were asking yet my fears weren’t allowing me to search within my soul. This put me in a vulnerable state and I felt exposed as they could see me the way I couldn’t. Looking out of the plane window it hit me and I felt alive. The answer to that question was clear. That one moment everything in my mind, body and soul changed for the better, for me.

Finding Me

Finding my true passions in life has started a ripple effect of changes in my life. Each day brings new light and insight into who I am and the journey I will lead. It’s the small steps each day and sometimes the giant leaps that carry us to our life objectives. Now I’m a very honest person and I’ll admit there are days where I feel defeated or a little off balance. I may not have accomplished everything or feel that I haven’t made any progress. Maybe I haven’t posted on the blog in a while or the back room still isn’t done that we started a month ago. But you know what? It’s ok!

It’s ok because I’m not where I was last year, last month or last week. I continue to walk forward with courage and drive. I believe in myself more than I ever have and I love the person I am.

I know this isn't what I want to do, but I have to continue to do this because (insert excuse here) which will help me achieve my goals (2)
  1. Kristen says:

    “Let me ask you something, is this cycling life routine truly building the foundation or stepping stones to achieving your dreams or are you convincing yourself that it is.”

    Well, if that isn’t a swift kick in the behind, I don’t know what is! Thank you for the inspiration. I’ll have to think about this.

  2. Very inspiring! I needed this today! Thank you!

  3. I don’t even do things that won’t get me closer to my ultimate goal as I am a very goal oriented person!! Even when I hang out with friends, ha!

  4. Monica says:

    You are an amazing writer! Thank you for the inspiration, this exactly what I needed to hear! I have difficulty stepping outside of what I feel is secure but I need to focus more on my passions and reaching my full potential! I am movtivated!

    • porshbritt says:

      Thank you Monica for your kind words ☺️ We all need some inspiration from time to time and I’m glad I could provide just a little. You are amazing and are capable of achieving so much, just follow your dreams and your heart

  5. Karina says:

    I really love this post! I’ve been in the same situation last year: I was living my life like I thought I was supposed to but not moving in the direction I wanted to go. Change is really difficult but it’s really worth it. Thank you for this very inspiring post! 🙂

  6. Tahrhn says:

    This really resonates, thank you for the kick we all sometimes need and for being honest too! Refreshing and awakening! X

  7. Sultry Soul says:

    Inspiring post I read today! 🙂

  8. I haven’t been a member of the workforce for very long, but long enough to have these thoughts pestering me throughout the day. What a motivational post, and as I’m going through a huge life change, this is giving me permission to feel excited about the unknown and what I can make of it 🙂

  9. Kelly says:

    Thanks for getting me thinking and moving towards my goals!

  10. Bryan says:

    I’ve been in the workforce for about 28 years, working in finance, and like what i do. I have other varied interests, like teaching and writing, and I partake of both. So, I am generally where I want to be, although it would be nice to be able to let go of the corporate world a little more- can’t let go completely because it pays the bills

  11. Perla Orduno says:

    I can definitely relate to this post. I try every day to have a motivating attitude and to constantly work towards my goals. Love this post!

  12. Ranganath says:

    Brilliantly written and very practical thoughts. Appreciate it.

  13. Yes girl!! So true! I have to keep reminding myself of this – some days it’s a struggle building my blog and creating my brand as well as a full-time job, but I have to remember why I’m doing it. It will be worth it! 🙂
    PS. On a completely separate note, I have that same Kate Spade notebook – so cute!

  14. Very true and a very practical question to be asking ourselves!

  15. Serena says:

    Great post! I always seem to get in the habit of saying “oh tomorrow I’ll work on this” when really I just need to start today. That is for the motivation!

  16. Interesting read! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic!

  17. What we choose to do today echoes in tomorrow 🙂

  18. fivethings says:

    I like how you say “it’s the small steps and sometimes the giant leaps…” it’s easy to forget that everyone begins and you begin with small steps- nobody begins with success. Great encouragement here- thanks!

  19. Vox says:

    After the sudden death of my mom two years ago, I asked myself these same questions. I ended up starting our blog and after nearly a year and a half of blogging, I have quit my job to do this full time. I realize that time is precious and that if I want fulfill the vision I had for my life, I had better do it now. I get up early every day with purpose and excitement. Thanks for a great reminder to stay mindful.

    • porshbritt says:

      Truly living your life and dreams is so beautiful. You’re mom is looking down on you and smiling cause you’re living your dreams. ❤️

  20. Sasha says:

    This is too funny! I was literally laying in bed this morning when my alarm went off giving myself this exact pep talk. Great post!

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