Canva 101 for Influencers

How to use canva to boost your blog and social media outlets

January 25, 2021

woman in white long sleeve shirt using macbook pro


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My SMART Secret to Being Productive

Take a look around your space right now. Are there clean clothes sprawled across your bedroom floor? Were you just running around the house trying to find those boots you wore the other day? Do you find yourself checking each of your coats in the morning for your keys? Let me guess, you’re shaking your […]

June 30, 2020


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Creamy Roasted Chicken Noodle Soup

The sound of gravel broke the quiet of the night as he turned into the driveway, from working his 16th day straight. As he turned off the engine and dimmed down the headlights, I slowly took off the cover on the steaming pot, and let the sweet creamy aroma of winter and comfort fill the […]

June 23, 2020

In The Kitchen

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A Bad Case of Writer’s Block

Do you want to know what I did last month? I’d sit down in front of my computer, opened my blog and before I knew it I’d spent the last 3 hours scrolling through the newest Poshmark listings. I couldn’t connect with anything I jotted down and after a few sentences, I would hit the […]

March 11, 2019


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Are You Ruining Your Creativity?

Let’s get in our time machine and travel back to our school days when your teacher would give you an assignment where you had to be creative. Did you find yourself excited and giddy or did your palms automatically start sweating as your heart raced? So, let me ask you, do you consider yourself to […]

January 17, 2019


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Change Your Life for You, Not Them

At last, it’s here, right in front of you, the life you want, but you start to feel a pit in your stomach. What could it be? Fear. Doubt. Your head starts to fill with noise, am I good enough? Can I truly do this? What will my friends and family think or say? I’m […]

December 14, 2018


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Excuse Me, Are You Talking to Me?

Take a moment and think about how many different people you talk to on a daily basis. Face to face, a phone call from Boston to Arizona, a quick text message, sign language, an email and maybe even kicking it old school with a card in the mail. Communication is performed by every type of […]

November 7, 2018


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Love Yourself More Than Anyone Else

As I sit here in joyful solitude on the couch, legs crossed up on the coffee table and my laptop placed accordingly on my lap. I can’t help but reflect on a time in my life that I sat on the couch in solitude. The sense of loneliness and unworthiness seemed to be an endless […]

October 24, 2018


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Get 1 Million Monthly Views on Pinterest

Who out there in the social world is having a love/hate relationship with Pinterest? You’ve either just started your business/blog and are pinning like crazy but your monthly views can’t seem to hit over 3k. Or you’re a veteran and you’re monthly numbers are decent yet you want to drive more traffic to your site. […]

October 12, 2018


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Vermont + New Hampshire = Love

“Let’s go on an epic road trip revisiting our childhoods,” we said to each other across the dinner table. When James had told me how he spent his summers on the lakes of Vermont with his grandmother, I knew he would get me. For more than a decade, my summers were spent running around in […]

September 30, 2018


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